A true hope

I am glad to be able to finally access the web salon and post a message again. I feel that Keiko Koma web salon is indeed a place where we could connect to people very close at heart and feel the warmth of living together as one. During these few days, I feel I have learnt the necessity of the “network of life”, which Idaki Shin sensei and Koma-san have been talking to us through the lectures. We are so lucky to be given the opportunities to meet sensei and Koma-san in person, but also having this place where we could read their messages every day and also to express our feelings is very precious.
Thank you very much for the beautiful pictures from Café Komaya in Sendai and Yui-kobo in Yamamoto-cho. I am happy that Koma-san’s boutique space has been newly opened in Café Komaya. Her beautiful artworks delivers us a wind and light from the future. My heart is always brightened when I see them and also the space is brightened as well. The pictures of the coffee beans that Idaki Shin sensei has roasted and his messages deeply touched my heart and made me think of how I should be living, as a human born in this era, and as a Japanese. When I looked up the blue sky yesterday, 9th of August, a day that we should never forget, I felt people’s hearts, who are wishing for peace, and as Idaki Shin sensei and Koma-san are living in this era and creating a way for everyone to be able to live with true happiness, I reconfirmed within myself of what I should do and of my feelings towards a peaceful world. Thank you very much for all the precious messages and for always guiding us to live a beautiful life.

三鷹市芸術文化センター 風のホールにて